The Wiley-Blackwell electronic submission site for the SAJE is now live.

Guidelines for Submission to South African Journal of Economics

The South African Journal of Economics has now adopted ScholarOne Manuscripts, for online manuscript submission and peer review. The new system brings with it a whole host of benefits including:

  • Quick and easy submission
  • Administration centralised and reduced
  • Significant decrease in peer review times

From now on all submissions to the journal must be submitted online at Full instructions and support are available on the site and a user ID and password can be obtained on the first visit. If you require assistance then click the Get Help Now link which appears at the top right of every ScholarOne Manuscripts page.

Manuscripts should be submitted blind and in final form and accompanied by a 100 word abstract, JEL classification and Key words.

Tables, equations and diagrams should be kept to a minimum. Diagrams and Figures should be clear and professionally drawn into the manuscript.

We use the Harvard method for the references, e.g.

Article in journal:
LEVINE, R. (1997). Financial development and economic growth: Views and agenda. Journal of Economic Literature, 35, 688-726.

KROLZIG, H-M. (1997). Markov-Switching Vector Autoregressions: Modelling, Statistical Inferences, and Application to Business Cycle Analysis. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

Chapter in book:
BOURGUIGNON, F., ROBILLIARD, A. S. and ROBINSON, S. (2005). Representative versus real households in the macroeconomic modelling of inequality. In T. J. Kehoe, T. N. Srinivasan and J. Whalley (eds), Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modelling. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.